Guitar Alchemist 1.21 Serial Rating: 5,0/5 8804 reviews

1915 Martin 1-21 #12101. In its second century now and in great shape, ready to keep making music. The guitar bears the serial number on the neck block as expected but also in pencil under the top along with the initials 'FHM', those being for Frank Henry Martin, owner of the company at the time. Roger Bucknall MBE. Roger Bucknall is one of the most experienced and respected guitar makers alive in the world today. His client list is a who's who of professional musicians from every area of music, and his friendship with those musicians has produced iconic guitar designs that have helped to shape the guitar playing styles of the British Isles - and beyond.

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  2. Guitar Alchemist 1.21 Serial Killers
  3. Guitar Alchemist 1.21 Serial Killer
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Gibson L-00 Guitar
Gibson L-0 Guitar
Gibson L-1 Guitar
Gibson L-2 Guitar

Description: Gibson L-00, Gibson L-0, Gibson L-1, Gibson L-2 flat top guitars
Available: 1926 to 1945 (depending on exact model.)
Collectibility Rating: B.
General Comments: The Gibson L00, L0, L1 and L2 are all very similar models, with the onlydifferences being small cosmetics. In ascending order of fanciness, it went L-00, L-0, L-1, L-2.

The L-1 model was introduced first as a flat top in 1926 (before 1926 the L-1 was an archtop.)The L-0 was also introduced as a flat top in 1926. The L-2's introduction was in June 1929,and the L-00's introduction was in 1931 (first batch was FON #21.)

The L-00 was the plainest, having only top body binding (in its original incarnation).The L-0 had top and back body binding. The L-1 had top and back body binding, and sometimes fingerboard binding (pre-1931), sometimes individual tuners after mid-1930s (instead of3-on-a-plate Waverly), sometimes a gold 'Gibson' stencil peghead logo (instead of white), and prior to 1934 a slightly arched back and top. The L-1 also used better woodsand never had a 3 or 4 piece top (unlike the L-0 and L-00 that sometimes had more than 2 pieces of spruce). Also L-1 had a bookmatched top with tighter grain, where the L-0 and L-00 did not have a bookmatched top. The L-1 back is usually 2 piece quartersawn, where the L-0 and L-00 usually had one piece slab sawn backs.

The Gibson L-2 was the fanciest of the model line during this time,and the first to have the 'L' body style. Made from 1929 to 1935, the 1931 Gibson L2 was probably the coolest variant. In 1931 the L-2had gold sparkle binding around the soundhole and body top and back(by 1932 this feature disappeared.)The Gibson L2 was the only L model with a single bound neckwith white binding (dot fingerboard inlays.) Also a Argentine Gray finish was used only in 1931 (kind of a greenish greysunburst.) The L-2 had a pearl 'Gibson'or 'the Gibson' logo. There's a fancy pearl peghead inlay too below the pearl 'Gibson' logo. The tuners were sometimes 3-on-a-strip style with white buttons, but again fancier with light engraving. Rectangle bridge like the other L models.Also rosewood back and sides are often seen on this model in the early 1930s.

The purpose of this article is to solve the mystery of the early Yamaha FG serial numbers, internal markings, and labels. And to be able to fairly accurately determine when they were made.

Yamaha doesn’t know exactly when the earliest FG’s were made. Everyone has been guessing for years. I’ve been collecting data and in most cases can tell when a guitar with a 6 or 7 digit serial number was made (within a month or so).

The facts presented are based on personal observations, data collected, and data donated. They don’t always agree with Yamaha’s Guitar Archive data. And there are still a few assumptions. This article will be updated as I find further information.

What got me started was a curiosity of what the early (1966-71) Japan built FG 6 & 7 digit serial numbers meant.

  • I’ve read the first digit in the serial number is the year, then a 2 digit month, 2 digits for the day, and the rest is a unit number.
  • That didn’t work for a few guitars I found.
  • So the 6 & 7 digit serial numbers must not be related to date the guitars were built.

While the serial number is visible, although not always usable to determine the date of manufacture, there is a Date Code ink stamped on the inside of all early FG’s, except most FG-75’s. This date code will be very close to when the guitar was built. Typically 3 to 6 weeks before it’s finished.

  • The date code is located on either side of the lower bout. Sometimes both or on the end block.
  • The format is YY.MM.DD.
  • The year isn’t the normal year we are used to. It’s the Japanese year based on the reign of the current Emperor. In this case it’s the SHOWA period, the reign of Emperor Hirohito, which started in 1926. Year 1 is 1926, therefore year 41 is 1966. 41.6.18 would be June 18, 1966.
  • This date code was probably stamped when they made the sides, not when the guitar was assembled. I’ve seen a couple of guitars where the date code is partially under the kerfing.
  • Some guitars did not get a serial number or it has faded over the years, so the only way to know about when the guitar was made is by this date code.
  • It seems not many people in the US know about the date codes, although they must be better known in Japan.
  • The date code isn’t always visible thru the sound hole.
  • The best way to find it is to put a flashlight inside the guitar and use the camera on your cell phone to look around inside. Another option is a USB endoscope that is plugged into your cell phone. The visual quality isn’t as good as the cell phone camera but the length and flexibility allows you to get closer.
  • I believe the date codes are in all vintage Yamaha guitars, except for most FG-75/FG-75-1’s. I’ve found them in all that I have (up to 1980) except for 2 rosewood models because the dark wood obscured the date code and my FG-75/FG-75-1’s. I’ve only found (2) FG-75 date codes, many were examined and there were no visible internal markings other than the serial number..
  • There is typically a single larger number ink stamped on each of the sides. I had assumed those are detail numbers so they use the right side pieces for that model guitar, but I’ve found some inconsistencies and it’s possible they are inspection marks.
  • The Date Code is typically next to one of these large numbers.

Once I discovered the internal date codes I knew I could compare known 6 & 7 digit serial number/date code sets with other serial numbers and make a good guess as to when other guitars were made. Currently I am up to 1729 serial numbers and 267 date codes. So I started searching and asking for serial numbers and date codes and putting them in a spread sheet. I also recorded the link of where I found the data, just in case I had to go back. Which I have many times, as I’ve found more changes and differences.

Guitar Alchemist 1.21 Serial Full

Guitar Alchemist 1.21 Serial

Guitar Alchemist 1.21 Serial Killers

Finding serial numbers isn’t too hard. Search & ask. But the date codes are needed as reference points. Those are hard to find. I found a Japanese guy on Youtube who made videos of himself playing many early FG, and he mentioned the serial number and date code most of the time. He also has a website (in Japanese) dedicated to the FG-150. A few curious people I’ve asked have found date codes inside their guitars, but I can’t expect many people to go that far. When I find vintage FG’s locally on CraigsList I will ask if I can see the guitar and take pictures. But they’re very rare.

After recording serial numbers I realized I could probably figure out when the various labels changed, based on the pictures on the pages I saved the links for.

The first FG’s were built in 1966 (Green label):

  • In 1966 Yamaha opened the Tenryu factory in Hamamatsu to produce the new FG series. Previously, all guitars had been made by other companies.
  • The first models were the FG-150 & FG-180, starting in August 1966, until February 1967.
  • They have Green labels and were made for Japan only.
  • The serial numbers for the FG’s continued with the existing consecutive number system used by the Dynamic series.
  • The earliest Green label serial number I have found is an FG-180 with 499751, no date code. It’s possible this one was made in July 1966.
  • The latest Green label serial number I have is an FG-180 with 611587 (no date code).
  • I’ve found 45 Green label serial numbers, and 18 of them have date codes.

The FG’s were first exported in 1967 (Red label):

  • The Red label is identical to the green label, except for the color and the small piano changed to the familiar 3 tuning fork symbol.
  • The earliest Red Label serial number & date code set I’ve found is an FG-150 with 599XXX & 41.12.2. It looks like there was a month or 2 overlap with the Green label.
  • The latest Red Label 7 digit serial number I’ve found is an FG-180 with 20315XX (no date code).
  • The latest date code is an FG-180 with 47.2.7 (no s/n), built in 1972.
  • I’ve found Nippon Gakki Red Labels with 8 digit serial numbers ranging from an FG-180 with 10001471 (which makes no sense) & no date code, and the latest an FG-75 with 20829541 (no date code) (mid-1972). I’m assuming these were models made for Japan.
  • I have found a few Red label Nippon Gakki FG’s without a visible serial number.
  • I have found 2 slightly different Red labels. The early version was used for about the first 6 months. “YAMAHA GUITAR” is shorter and bolder, and the lines above and below are thicker.

Nippon Gakki FG’s after mid-1972 (Tan label):

  • With the new factory in Kaohsiung Taiwan, Guitars made in Japan after mid-1972 were probably made for Japan only.
  • The labels are tan and rectangular, and are marked with the model number and “Nippon Gakki”.
  • They seemed to continue the 8 digit serial numbers up to mid-1973, then they changed to 5 digit numbers (YMMDD), basically the same as the export 8 digit (YMMDDUUU) numbers except there’s no unit number.
  • The 5 digit serial numbers may have started for special export models, such as the FG-360, and also shared by the domestic models. Although there seem to be a few FG-360’s with 8 digit serial numbers made for export in 1973, breaking the above rule.
  • The earliest Tan Label 8 digit serial number & date code set I’ve found is an FG200 with 20502098 & 47.4.6.
  • The latest is an FG-360 with 30419296 (no date code).
  • The earliest 5 digit Tan Label serial number is an FG-580 with 30426.
  • The latest is an FG-170 with serial number 41227 & date code 49.12.7.
  • I have very little data on the Nippon Gakki Black labels. I’ve seen a FG-700S with serial number 41023 & date code 49.7.6.
  • I’ve also seen an Orange label Nippon Gakki with serial number 40418 & date code 49.3.7. It seems some of these were made during the time of the Tan label Nippon Gakki’s. But the next Orange label Nippon Gakki I have recorded is 51006 with no date code. And the Orange label continues beyond 1981.
  • While my primary focus has been the Export models, I’ll have to watch for these more closely.

The first FG’s made in Taiwan (Red label):

Guitar Alchemist 1.21 Serial Killer

  • Red labels were used at the new Kaohsiung Taiwan factory from mid-1971 until late 1972.
  • The labels are nearly identical to the Japan FG’s Red labels except without the words “Nippon Gakki” and the tuning fork symbol moved to next to the model number.
  • The Taiwan Red Label FG’s were made for export, while the Tan Label Nippon Gakki FG’s where made for Japan.
  • They initially only had serial numbers located on the neck block, 7 consecutive numbers (no relation to date), preceded with a “T”.
  • The earliest I’ve found is T0008406 but I’d assume they started with T0000001.
  • The earliest serial number/date code set I’ve found is T0015094 & 60.7.1 (1971).
  • In mid-1972 8 digit serial numbers (YMMDDUUU) were added on the brace under the end of the fretboard.
  • The first 8 digit serial numbers I’ve found are 20510248 (5/10/1972) & T0135230.
  • The Taiwan made FG’s also have internal date codes, but they are based on the Minguo era, the reign of Kim II-sung, starting at his birth year of 1912, which is year 1. Therefore year 60 would be 1971.
  • Some FG models were produced by both locations, with the label, serial numbers, and date codes being the only difference.
  • All models have the headstock logo “YAMAHA”.

The Taiwan FG’s after late 1972 (Tan label):

  • Taiwan models made from late-1972 to early-1975 have a rectangular tan label, very similar to the Nippon Gakki label of the same period.
  • They have 2 sets of serial numbers. An 8 digit serial number (YMMDDUUU) is on the brace under the end of the fretboard, and a sequential 7 digit number beginning with “T” on the neck block.
  • For the first 2 months (very late 8/72 to very early 11/72) the label was shorter than the Nippon Gakki label, with only the model number, no location. I only have 29 serial numbers with this label, ranging from 20830243 to 21107695. Oddly I’ve found 6 guitars that have 8 digit numbers 201XXXXX, but the T number but puts the guitar in the range of 210XXXXX. This error looks to have been fixed by 21014XXX. I’d assume there are some serial numbers outside this range but probably not more than 2 weeks total. These are very rare.
  • Then they changed the labels to the same size as the Tan Nippon Gakki labels except they say “Made in Taiwan”.
  • The earliest serial numbers I have are 21101470 (11/1/1972) & T0225201.
  • The latest 30907255 (9/7/1973) & 0380306.
  • In mid-1973 they dropped the “T” from the 7 digit serial number, somewhere around 30609XXX & 033XXX.
  • Late 1973 they were changed the location to “Made in Taiwan / Republic of China” which lasted until late 1974.
  • The earliest serial numbers I have are 30901051 (9/1/1973) & 0387179.
  • The latest are 40829095 (8/29/1974) & 0587267.
  • Mid 1974 the reversed the location to “Republic of China/Made in Taiwan” which lasted until the models changed in 1975.
  • The earliest serial numbers I have are 40610478 (6/10/1974) & 0539508.
  • The latest are 50830182 (8/30/1975).
  • The Yamaha Guitar Archive data says these models ended in 1974 but the last Tan label serial number I’ve found is 50830182 (8/30/1975).
  • Initially the headstock logo was the 3 tuning forks inside of a circle, but at the beginning of November 1973“YAMAHA” was added, assumed for brand recognition.

In 1975 the Taiwan FG’s models changed (Black label):

  • Added -1 (in small characters) after the model numbers.
  • The labels where changed to black.
  • The labels are shorter and wider than the Tan labels.
  • The serial numbers are 8 digits on the brace under the fretboard (YYMMDDUUU) and a 7 digit number on neck block.
  • The earliest serial numbers I have are 50604395 (6/19/1975) & 0716558.
  • The latest are 70215483 (1/21/1977) & 1025186).
  • The Yamaha Guitar Archive data says these models started in 1974 but so far I’ve found Tan label serial numbers as late as August 1975, and I haven’t found a Black label earlier than June 1975.
  • All Black label Taiwan models have the headstock logo with the 3 tuning forks inside a circle with “YAMAHA” underneath.

Guitar Alchemist 1.21 Serial Download

New models starting in 1977 (Oval label):

  • The export (from Taiwan) models have a White oval label.
  • The Japan only (Nippon Gakki) models have an Orange oval label.
  • The Taiwan serial numbers are 8 digits on the brace under the fretboard and a 7 digit number on neck block.
  • The earliest I have are 70130074 (1/30/1977) & 1003893.
  • This serial number system continued until 2001.
  • The Japan serial numbers continue to use 5 digits on the brace under the fretboard.
  • All models have the headstock logo “YAMAHA”.